How Santa meets boys and girls before Christmas

17th December 2022

A lot of boys and girls (and Mummy's and Daddy's) wonder how I, Santa, manage to visit so many different places, like garden centres, shopping centres, outdoor wonderlands and more in the build up to Christmas. Well, the easiest answer is that I'm Santa and I have magical abilities to do things that your every day people cannot.

You see, whilst Christmas Eve is my busiest day of the year, I also spend the rest of the time working on festive magic to ensure I have enough to meet as many boys and girls as possible in the build up to Christmas. After all, I still need to check whether the girls and boys I meet are on The Nice List or The Naughty List!

Yesterday, I was busy meeting boys and girls at The Bullring in Birmingham, and the day before that I was at Meadowhall near Sheffield and it was fantastic meeting all the girls and boys and hearing all about what they would like for Christmas.

Today, I'm going to be at Denby Pottery in Derbyshire and I cannot wait to meet all the boys and girls who have booked a time to meet me. I really hope that everybody is excited and behaves themselves so I can be sure to put them on The Nice List ready for Christmas Eve!

Only 8 more sleeps until Christmas Day, so be on your best behaviour boys and girls!